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Dear Parents,
Our Prep students have started school on a full time basis this week and seemed to have settled in very well.
Family Learning Conversations are taking place this week. These are happening in person which gives the parents an opportunity to visit the classrooms of their child/children and see work that is being displayed.
Our teachers will be talking to parents about their child’s data and what this means in terms of where to next for your child. These meetings also give you as parents the opportunity for parents to share information or concerns with teachers so we as a school can work in partnership with families to achieve the best educational outcomes for all of our students.
I would like to thank all parents who took the time to respond to our questionnaire regarding portfolio pieces which are shared with the reports. We had over 200 responses, which is amazing and gives us important feedback about what we need to do moving forward and or any gaps in our processes.
Our staff and in particular our leadership team have been involved in a series of Professional Learning and Development in a range of areas.
All Leaders attended the Learning and Teaching network days last week where we met with all leaders within the diocese as well as being presented to by various DOSCEL managers regarding Learning and Teaching, Religious Education and the strategic direction of our Diocese.
Our graduate teachers and their mentors are attending a professional development day today.
I also attended a Principal briefing which had speakers presenting on the regulatory requirements of being a Victorian Primary school as well as lawyers talking about the privacy act and what is and can be shared with our families and community.
Rian Prestwich and I attended a presentation by Professor Didier Pollefeyt and Doctor Jans Bouwens from Leuven Catholic University regarding our diocesan data and where we need to go moving forward using the data collected through the ECSI survey over the last few years.
From this presentation, I travelled to Traralgon to attend the Gippsland Primary Principal Association conference. We had Mass with the Bishop Greg Bennet and had many presenters including The Director of DOSCEL, Mr Paul Velten, and members of different areas of DOSCEL Secretariat.
Rebecca Cox attended a professional Learning day on the Mathematics 2.0 c curriculum and bringing this to life for our students and their learning.
I implore you to ensure that all drop-offs and pickups are done in a safe, respectful and cooperative manner. We are witnessing driver behaviour which is not only illegal but more important very unsafe for our children. I have been liaising with the highway patrol division of Victoria Police and Casey Council to ensure our students are being kept safe.
We are one of the few schools which offer a drive through drop of and pick up area. Our driveway is a 5KM zone and the end is sectioned off after drive through times, to ensure our children walking down the path have a safe place to cross without being concerned about cars.
Warm regards
Families who hold an eligible Health Care Concession Card, may be eligible for Camp, Sports and Excursion Funding (CSEF).
The Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund provides payments for eligible students to attend school camps, excursions, and sports and outdoor education programs.
Please follow the link below to get more information and download the application form. If eligible, this would also entitle families to make an application for a fee remission, which effectively would see a significant reduction of fees to be paid for the year.
The School Savings Bonus is a State Government initiative designed to assist families with cost-of-living pressures. Under this funding, each eligible student is entitled to a $400 bonus for application towards activity levies and uniform purchases from approved supplier. Within our school, all CSEF applicants are eligible to receive this funding. All families who have a Centrelink Health Care Card and have not applied for CSEF in the past are encouraged to contact the school office and initiate an application this year.
Please refer to the below link for more information:
Further information will be available in the coming week for eligible families.
If you have any questions, wish to commence a direct debit, implement a plan and/or wish to have a confidential discussion regarding your account please contact Margaret Lonergan via email: or phone 9702 1466
Religious Education
Today is the first day of Lent. It is a religious observance in Christianity, lasting about 40 days, during which believers prepare for Easter through fasting, prayer, and reflection. It commemorates the 40 days that Jesus spent fasting in the wilderness. It is a solemn period leading up to the joy of Easter, which celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Mrs Viney and I took all 16 of our student leaders to a Parish Mass this morning where we celebrated with the parishioners. We also brought the Ashes back to the school for each classroom. They were distributed during their level liturgies.
Lent In A Bag
Each students should have received a ‘Lent in a Bag’ when leaving school today. This consists of 7 suggested activities, a candle, wooden cross, small pebble (please be conscious that this is a choking hazard) and two cut outs. This is an invitational activity for you and your family to learn more about, and discover the work, of Lent in schools. As I created each bag, if you are missing an item please let your classroom teacher know and I will give them the missing item.
Caritas / Project Compassion
You may hear these words come home this Lenten season. Caritas is Australia’s largest annual fundraising campaign, Project Compassion mobilises Australians to raise much-needed funds to help alleviate poverty, promote justice and uphold dignity in the most vulnerable and marginalised communities in the world. Part of Lent is Almsgiving, which is a practice of giving to those who are less fortunate. We encourage students to think of ways they can give alms, whether through dontations to Project Compassion, or through giving time to help others.
Sunday Scripture Spotlight
This Sunday’s scripture is from . Below is the translation from the New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition, as found on Bible Gateway.
The Temptation of Jesus
4 Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit in the wilderness, 2 where for forty days he was tempted by the devil. He ate nothing at all during those days, and when they were over, he was famished. 3 The devil said to him, “If you are the Son of God, command this stone to become a loaf of bread.” 4 Jesus answered him, “It is written, ‘One does not live by bread alone.’”
5 Then the devil[a] led him up and showed him in an instant all the kingdoms of the world. 6 And the devil[b] said to him, “To you I will give their glory and all this authority; for it has been given over to me, and I give it to anyone I please. 7 If you, then, will worship me, it will all be yours.” 8 Jesus answered him, “It is written,
‘Worship the Lord your God,
and serve only him.’”
9 Then the devil[c] took him to Jerusalem, and placed him on the pinnacle of the temple, saying to him, “If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down from here, 10 for it is written,
‘He will command his angels concerning you,
to protect you,’
11 and
‘On their hands they will bear you up,
so that you will not dash your foot against a stone.’”
12 Jesus answered him, “It is said, ‘Do not put the Lord your God to the test.’” 13 When the devil had finished every test, he departed from him until an opportune time.
Student Gospel Reflection
Today's Gospel tells the story of Jesus being tempted three times by the devil. Make sure the children understand that it is not wrong to be tempted, it is only wrong if we readily give in to the temptation. After all, even Jesus had temptations!
The beginning of Lent is a perfect time to take stock of our own particular temptations and, with God's help, make a renewed effort to resist those temptations. Perhaps you can share with the children an experience you had in overcoming a temptation when you were their age.
In this parable, Jesus touches on one of the most common of human failings – that of seeing the failings of others while ignoring our own. In your preparation this week, try to be aware of occasions when you find yourself falling into this trap.
Please note there has been a change in date to the District Cross Country - from 7 May to 30 April. The Sacrament Calendar has been uploaded
Our Swimming group - Narre Warren District swimming
On Wednesday the 26 February, 24 students represented our school in the District Swimming at Koo Wee Rup Pool. All the students swam competitively and represented St Catherine’s magnificently. Overall our school came in third place. Thank you to the parents and family members that came and cheered the students on.
Congratulations to these students that achieved a podium finish in their races!
Age group |
Name |
Position |
Girls 9/10 |
Alexa TH |
3rd |
Boys 11 |
Vincent T |
2nd |
Boys 12/13 |
Kepler P |
3rd |
Girls 12/13 |
Alexandra E |
1st |
Age group |
Name |
Position |
Boys 11 |
Hukamveer S |
3rd |
Girls 11 |
Ella D |
3rd |
Girls 12/13 |
Emilia J |
1st |
Age group |
Name |
Position |
Boys 9/10 |
George M |
2nd |
Boys 11 |
Xander M |
3rd |
Girls 11 |
Sophie B |
3rd |
Girls 12/13 |
Alexandra E |
1st |
Age group |
Name |
Position |
Boys 9/10 |
George M |
2nd |
Girls 9/10 |
Eve Z |
3rd |
Boys 11 |
Xander M |
2nd |
Girls 12/13 |
Emilia J |
1st |
Freestyle Relay
Age group |
Name |
Position |
Boys 9/10 |
Finn W, Thomas J, Joaquin S, Aarav G |
3rd |
Boys 11 |
Vincent T, Xander M, Harry W, Hukamveer S |
1st |
Girls 11 |
Ella D, Aleisha L, Mikaila B, Sophie B |
1st |
Girls 12/13 |
Alexandra E, Emilia J, Syierra TH, Agam G |
2nd |
Medley Relay
Age group |
Name |
Position |
Girls 12/13 |
Alexandra E, Emilia J, Syierra TH, Agam G |
3rd |
Congratulations to everyone else that competed;
Aadya B
Devin W
David D
Ryder T
Patrick Pawlukowski
PE Coordinator