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Dear Parents,
It is hard to believe that this will be the last newsletter of the term! A quick review of what has occurred helps us to understand why it seems to have gone so fast. Grade 6 Camp, Tennis Clinics, Prep Enrolments, Ash Wednesday Mass, NAPLAN, Family Learning Conversations, Buddy Activities, Swimming Carnivals, Cross Country, Harmony Week, School Photos and the Easter Raffle are just some of the activities and events the children have enjoyed.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the staff for their willingness to go over and above to offer the best learning opportunities they can to the students. We are very blessed to have the dedicated and committed staff we have here at St Catherine’s, I hope that they enjoy a well-deserved break.
Thanks to all families for your support throughout the course of the term. The best results for students are achieved when there are strong lines of communication between home and school and we are working together for the betterment of the children. I hope that you have an enjoyable Easter holiday period spending time together.
I will be on Long Service Leave for the first two weeks of Term Two, Anna Viney will be the Acting Principal in my absence and Jessica Ornsby will be the Acting Deputy Principal. It is comforting to know that the school will be in such capable hands.
A reminder that school returns for the students on Thursday, 27 of April.
Harmony Week
It was wonderful to see the children all dressed up in their traditional clothing or a splash of orange. We have a very multi-cultural community here at St Catherine’s and the student body are a wonderful example of how to be inclusive of each other.
Casual Clothes Day Friday 31 Bring an Easter Egg / Holy Week Assembly 2.40pm Thursday 6 of April.
This Friday the 31st, the children are invited to wear casual clothes if they bring an egg to donate to the Raffle.
Our Easter Raffle will be drawn at our Holy Week Assembly on the last day of term at 2.40pm, Thursday the 6th April. Tickets have been distributed to families.
If you have any baskets, gift boxes you no longer need, we would love to take them off your hands AND use THEM for the Easter Raffle. Could you please bring them into the school office before MONDAY 3 APRIL.
Every child will receive an Easter Egg on the last day of school, if you would prefer your child does not receive an egg please email this request to
A Flyer is attached to this newsletter
We are expecting that the Canteen will be up and running again early in Term Two. Final arrangements are being made with a company to run the canteen, orders will be online and we expect that the Canteen will operate 4 days per week.
It is with pleasure that we welcome Stephanie Jansz onto the staff in Term Two. She will be replacing Victoria Donlan who will be heading off on Maternity Leave. Stephanie is an experienced teacher who is very much looking forward to joining St Catherine’s. I am sure that she will be made to feel welcome by all.
We wish Victoria Donlan all the very best for the upcoming birth of her child and look forward to her returning at the end of her leave.
Sarah Watson (Grade 6) has handed in her resignation for personal reasons. We wish Sarah all the very best for the future. Sarah will conclude early in Term Two. Her position is currently advertised.
Unfortunately, from time to time, we have some staff affected by illness or other personal matters. Whilst this is not ideal, we do our very best to maintain as regular staff within those classrooms as we can. The learning is overseen by our Curriculum Leaders to ensure that they students are receiving the same entitlement as the other grades in their level. I ask that parents please respect the teacher’s privacy in these circumstances and understand that we are not in a position where we can inform families of why staff are away.
Traffic Congestion
The reality of all schools is there is traffic congestion at the drop off and pick up times. In our case, being a large primary school situated on the same site as SFX, it increases the traffic. We ask that all families please be respectful of each other, allow enough time for drop off and pick up, and follow the signs. Predictable traffic is easier for us to manage and safer for our children.
2024 Enrolments
We are currently taking 2024 Enrolments. If you are an existing family please get your forms in asap to guarantee you a spot. If you know of anyone considering St Catherine’s for their child please ask them to contact the Office for a tour.
Please ensure that your child is bring their hat to school each day in Term One.
School Gate Opening Time 2023
As mentioned in the last newsletter to allow us to cater for the new EBA that Catholic teachers in the Diocese of Sale have entered into for 2023 we will be opening the school gates at 8.30am this year. Children arriving before 8.30am must be enrolled in before school care.
Camp Dates for 2023
Grade 5 – 17 – 19 May Lady Northcote Camp Glenmore
Grade 4 – 1 – 2 May Phillip Island Adventure Resort
Bike Shed
Due to the refurbishment of the Northern Portables the bike shed has been relocated to in between the STEM and Japanese portables. It is temporary fencing at the moment whilst we are awaiting the installation of new fencing.
Planning for the new playground is underway. We will hope to have this installed as soon as possible this year. Thanks to the Parents and Friends for contributing money towards this exciting project.
COVID Advice
Please see the latest COVID advice regarding students who are unwell;
It is strongly recommended that students:
- Who test positive to COVID-19 should stay home and isolate for five (5) days;
- Should not attend school after five (5) days if still symptomatic;
- Who are symptomatic but have not tested positive should not attend school until their
symptoms resolve;
- Parents, guardians or carers advise the school of the COVID-19 positive test result.
Families who hold an eligible Health Care Concession Card, may be eligible for CSEF (Camp, Sports and Excursion Funding). If eligible, this would also entitle families to make an application for a fee remission, which effectively would see a significant reduction of fees to be paid for the year. For more information, please do not hesitate to contact Margaret Lonergan in the Office.
Kind Regards
Simon Dell'Oro
St Michael’s Parish
We are looking for volunteers from Year 5 & 6 to read parts of the Passion on Good Friday or to Altar Serve.
If your family will be at this ceremony and you would like to take part please ask Mum or Dad to ring the Parish office and put your name forward.
St Michael’s Parish Office: 9707 1355
Term Dates, School Closure Days and School events
Friday 31 March | Casual clothes for easter Raffle |
Tuesday 4 April | Last day for Easter Raffle Tickets to be handed in |
Wednesday 5 April | Baskets to be collated for the Easter Raffle |
Thursday 6 April | Easter Assembly / Easter Raffle 2.40pm. |
Thursday 6 April | End of Term 1 |
Monday 24 April | School Closure Day |
Tuesday 25 April | ANZAC Day |
Wednesday 26 April | School Closure Day - Learning Adjustment Day with Trinity, St Patricks and Mary Mackillop |
Thursday 27 April | Term 2 begins |
Thursday 27 April | ANZAC Day Assembly - 2.40pm |
Monday 1-2 May | Grade 4 Camp - Phillip Island Adventure Resort |
wednesday 3 May | District Cross Country |
Thursday 11 May | Mother's Day Stall |
Wednesday 17 May | Grade 5 Camp |
22 - 26 May | Catholic Education Week. |
Friday 26 May | National Sorry Day |
Friday 2 June | Playground Fundraising Day. Details TBC by SACE Leaders. |
Monday 12 June | Kings Birthday Holiday |
Thursday 22 June | End of term 2 |
Friday 23 June | School Closure Day – RE |
2 - 9 July |
Monday 10 July | Term 3 begins |
Thursday 31 August | Father’s Day Stall |
Thursday 7 September | Student Disco |
Thursday 14 September | End of Term 3 |
Friday 15 September | School Closure Day |
Monday 2 October | School Closure Day – Data Review |
Tuesday 3 October | Term 4 begins |
Monday 6 November | Cup Weekend School Closure |
Tuesday 7 November | Cup Day |
Friday 10 November | Grandparents Day |
Thursday 7 December | Christmas Carols |
Friday 15 December | Students Last Day - End of Term 4 |
Monday 18 December | School Closure Day 2024 Planning |
Tuesday 19 December | School Closure Day 2024 Planning |
Last Thursday the year 3-6 students ran in the annual St Catherines house cross country. After a delayed start due to the storms, the year 3’s started off proceedings and handled the course for the first time extremely well!
Our year 4-6's did a great job and ran after lunch persevering as the weather started to warm up. Everyone should be congratulated for competing in their races and should be proud of themselves! A big thanks to all the teachers and house leaders who assisted me on the day and thank you to all the parents who came and supported their children.
Yesterday two Melbourne footballers spoke to the year 6’s and participated in some football drills with them. The students enjoyed the chance to meet some AFL players and asked them some very good questions. We thank the Melbourne football club and AFL Victoria for providing our students with this opportunity.
Mr Kenez
Second hand uniforms will be available for sale tomorrow, Thursday 30 March from 8.00am -4.00pm in the Administration Building Foyer.
Please note the following
- CASH only (please have correct money as no change will be available)
- All items will be $5 per item
- Please bring your own bag
- All money will be donated to Project Compassion, Caritas Australia
Hudson M | Aadhi S | Leo D |
James F | Jacob O | Alex V |
Levi D | Emerald S | Alyssa B |
Xavier L | Seraphina R | Louis C |
Natalie M | Jacob T | Paiten C |
Skylie P | Emilia R | Joshua S |
Katelyn B | Carla B | Soren S |
Maxene M | Mia R | Satvik G |
Maddi C | Wenyasha C | Dylen P |
Aurora J | Cade S | Kendra C |
William C | Chelsea B | Xavier H |
Odette P | Avah R | Hennedige P |
Rohit S | Angela V | Crystal B |
Ayla G | Maya M | Abigail O |
Bella R | Sienna S | Alexxa T |
Munesu C | Harry D | Liam O |
Savannah S | Ryan S | Mia W |
Xavier D | Charlotte C |